Israeli soldiers dismantled on Tuesday an illegal settlement outpost in the northern part of the West Bank. The army said that the outpost was installed by fundamentalist settlers in contradiction to settlement freeze.Soldiers also removed structures added to the illegal outposts of Kochav Yaakov and Kochav Hashahar, Israeli daily, Haaretz, reported.

Army sources reported that the outpost had to be dismantled although the issue could lead to renewed clashes with the settlers.

The settlers issued a statement describing Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, as thieves sneaking up in the night to dismantle the outposts.

The settlers also said that the “night raids should be conducted to fight terror, not attack settlers”.

Furthermore, Haaretz stated that leaders of settlement councils in the West Bank are at odds with the Israeli government as the settlers want to build new structures for schools in West Bank settlements.

Israeli Ministry of Education stated that 116 classrooms are needed in West Bank settlements to accommodate the new school year in September 2010.
The Ministry said it would allow the construction of 28 classrooms.

All Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal and violate the international law. Settlements constitute war crimes and contradict the Fourth Geneva Conventions.